Consumer perceptions of the effectiveness of a breast care nurse in providing coordinated care to women with breast cancer in Queensland, Australia

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Robert Eley MSc PhD
Cath Rogers‑Clark PhD RN


breast cancer, breast care nurse, model of care


Objective: To assess the effectiveness of a breast care nurse (BCN) in supporting women with breast cancer.

Design: Phone interview using a semi‑structured questionnaire.

Setting: Large Australian regional health service.

Subjects: Women with breast cancer who either received care from the BCN (n=28) or did not receive care from the BCN (n=22).

Main outcome measure: Patient views of the value of information and support between the two groups.

Results: Significant differences were evident between the two groups. For 17 of 18 factors about information needs and quality participants supported by the BCN reported that more information and support needs were met than those without BCN support with statistically greater satisfaction (p<.05) demonstrated for five of the factors. There were also significant differences between the two groups for the timing of support pre and post treatment with those with BCN input indicating higher support in all cases.

Conclusion: The BCN model has been slow to be adopted in Queensland and this study supports continuation of the program and the creation of additional positions. There is clear evidence that a BCN role is accepted and effective in the health service. Furthermore the model of care coordination, support, information and referral has implications for other cancer streams.

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