Published: 01-02-2006
Nursing older people in the acute care system: a clash of cultures or a time for nursing innovation?
Dr Jackie Jones
The unique role of nurses in bridging evidence-practice gaps
Sue Daly
Mothers' perceptions of overweight and obesity in their children
Debra Jackson, Glenda MacDonald, Judy Mannix, Pat Faga, Angela Firtko
Nursing skill mix and nursing time: the roles of registered nurses and clinical nurse specialists
Christine Duffield, Jan Forbes, Ann Fallon, Michael Roche, Wendy Wise, Eamon Thomas Merrick
Nurse practitioners' experiences of working collaboratively with general practitioners and allied health professionals in New South Wales, Australia
Kieren Wilson, Lyn Coulon, Sharon Hillege, Wendy Swann
Comparison between nurses' professional needs and their perceptions of their job
Miyuki Takase, Phillip Maude, Elizabeth Manias
Culture of rural nursing practice: a critical theoretical analysis of determinants of power in nursing
Heather Gibb, Katreena Forsyth, Judith Anderson
A review of graduate nurse transition programs in Australia
Tracy Levett-Jones, Mary FitzGerald