Published: 15-12-2024

Towards best practice: Urgent need for surrogacy birth care guidelines in Australia. Attawet J, Qiu Y, Peters MDJ.

‘One size does not fit all’: Nurses’ and midwives’ opinions about using electronic medical records. Smyth W, Bogiatzis M, Irving L, Morton J, Holland S, Nagle C. 

Outcomes of patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit after Postanesthesia Care Unit boarding. Kiekkas P, Gklava V, Bellou A, Fligou F, Tzenalis A, Igoumenidis M, Aretha D.

Effects of commencing sapropterin therapy on quality of life for children with phenylketonuria and their families: a qualitative parent interview study. Mitchell AE, Morawska A, Etel E, Adina J, Atthow C, et al.

Implementation of nasal high flow therapy for infants with bronchiolitis: An integrative review. West S, Cairns A, Campbell S, Harvey N. 

A nurse-led, telehealth transitional care intervention for people with multimorbidity: a feasibility study. Davis K, Ramsey I, Sharplin G, Shakib S, Eckert M.


Towards best practice: Urgent need for surrogacy birth care guidelines in Australia

Ju Attawet, Yunjing Qiu, Micah Peters
Abstract 858 | View PDF Downloads 124

Research Papers

EMR 'one size does not fit all': Nurses' and midwives' opinions about using electronic medical records

Marina Bogiatzis, Wendy Smyth, Laura Irving, Judy Morton, Sari Holland, Cate Nagle
Abstract 323 | View PDF Downloads 190

Outcomes of patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit after Postanesthesia Care Unit boarding

Panagiotis Kiekkas, Vasso Gklava, Aggeliki Bellou, Fotini Fligou, Anastasios Tzenalis, Michael Igoumenidis, Diamanto Aretha
Abstract 223 | View PDF Downloads 117

Effects of commencing sapropterin therapy on quality of life for children with phenylketonuria and their families: a qualitative interview study

Amy Mitchell, Alina Morawska, Evren Etel, Japheth Adina, Catherine Atthow, Sally Smith, Janette Spicer, Carolyn Bursle, Aoife Elliott, Sara O'Neill, Anita Inwood
Abstract 191 | View PDF Downloads 79

Reviews and Discussion Papers

Implementation of nasal high flow therapy for infants with bronchiolitis: An integrative review

Sally West, Alice Cairns, Sandy Campbell, Nichole Harvey
Abstract 164 | View PDF Downloads 61

Case Studies

A nurse-led, telehealth transitional care intervention for people with multimorbidity: a feasibility study

Kate Davis, Imogen Ramsey, Greg Sharplin, Marion Eckert, Sepehr Shakib
Abstract 400 | View PDF Downloads 120