Published: 01-02-2018
Designing simulation learning experiences to reduce technological burden on nursing academics: a discussion paper
Colleen Ryan, Sherre Roy, Barbara O'Neill, Tracey Simes, Samuel Lapkin, Elizabeth Riva
Profiling Australian school students' interest in a nursing career: insights for ensuring the future workforce
Jennifer Gore, Bernadette Rickards, Leanne Fray, Kathryn Holmes, Maxwell Smith
Improving diabetes control in the community: a nurse managed intervention model in a multidisciplinary clinic
Tatyana Ginzburg, Robert Hoffman, Joseph Azuri
Is it time to re-examine the doctor-nurse relationship since the introduction of the independent nurse prescriber?
Michael Pritchard
Nurses plastering and splinting in the emergency department: an integrative review
Leahanna Stevens, Susie Thompson, Emma Stoddart, Nerolie Bost, Amy Johnston
The non-medical surgical assistant in Australia: who should contribute to governance?
Toni Hains, Catherine Turner, Haakan Strand