Published: 01-02-2018


Designing simulation learning experiences to reduce technological burden on nursing academics: a discussion paper
Colleen Ryan, Sherre Roy, Barbara O'Neill, Tracey Simes, Samuel Lapkin, Elizabeth Riva

Profiling Australian school students' interest in a nursing career: insights for ensuring the future workforce
Jennifer Gore, Bernadette Rickards, Leanne Fray, Kathryn Holmes, Maxwell Smith

Improving diabetes control in the community: a nurse managed intervention model in a multidisciplinary clinic
Tatyana Ginzburg, Robert Hoffman, Joseph Azuri


Is it time to re-examine the doctor-nurse relationship since the introduction of the independent nurse prescriber?
Michael Pritchard

Nurses plastering and splinting in the emergency department: an integrative review
Leahanna Stevens, Susie Thompson, Emma Stoddart, Nerolie Bost, Amy Johnston

The non-medical surgical assistant in Australia: who should contribute to governance?
Toni Hains, Catherine Turner, Haakan Strand

Research Papers

Designing simulation learning experiences to reduce technological burden on nursing academics: a discussion paper

Colleen Ryan MHlthProfEd, GCCE, BHLTH (nursing), CertIVTAE, Cert Add Studies, RN , Dr Sherre Roy PhD, M. Learn Innovation, B. Bus (Honours), Dr Barbara O’Neill PhD, BA, BSN, GCertNursEd, RN, Tracey Simes RN, BN, Dr Samuel Lapkin RN, BN Hons (1st Class), Grad Cert Tertiary Ed, PhD, Elizabeth Riva RN, BN, MN
Abstract 59 | View PDF Downloads 31

Profiling Australian school students’ interest in a nursing career: insights for ensuring the future workforce

Jennifer Gore BEd, MPE, PhD , Bernadette Rickards RN, MPH, , Leanne Fray BTeach, BSocSci(Hons), PhD , Kathryn Holmes BSc, DipEd, MEdStud, PhD, Maxwell Smith BEc, DipEd, MEdStud, PhD
Abstract 58 | View PDF Downloads 23

Improving diabetes control in the community: a nurse managed intervention model in a multidisciplinary clinic

Tatyana Ginzburg RN , Robert Hoffman MD , Joseph Azuri MD MHA
Abstract 72 | View PDF Downloads 58

Scholarly Papers

Is it time to re-examine the doctor-nurse relationship since the introduction of the independent nurse prescriber?

Michael John Pritchard EN(G), RGN, DipHE, BA (Hons), Msc
Abstract 77 | View PDF Downloads 29

Nurses plastering and splinting in the emergency department: an integrative review

Leahanna Stevens BN, MN, Susie Thompson BN, MN, Emma Stoddart BN, MN, Nerolie Bost BN MN, Amy N.B. Johnston BN, BSc(hons), MEd, PhD
Abstract 77 | View PDF Downloads 35

The non-medical surgical assistant in Australia: who should contribute to governance?

Toni Hains RN, MClinSc (PNSA), MNPractSt, Catherine Turner RN, PhD, Haakan Strand RN, MNPractSt, PhD
Abstract 58 | View PDF Downloads 18