Published: 01-08-2018
Effect of an evidence based quality improvement framework on patient safety
Amy Montgomery, Therese Riley, Dr Shelley Tranter, Vicki Manning, Prof Ritin Fernandez
Incorporating an undergraduate student in nursing program into the workforce: a prospective observational study
Alison Raffelt, Danny Sidwell, Wendy Fennah, Shari Davies, Jacqueline Jauncy-Cooke
Validity testing of a tool for assessing nurse safety behaviour against blood borne infections
HyunSoo Oh, WhaSook Seo
Is provision of professional development by RNs to nursing students a choice
Dr Carina Anderson, Prof Lorna Moxham, Dr Marc Broadbent
Long term effects of childhood abuse: an Australian perspective
Felicity James, Dr Janet Green
Improving pain management through the addition of the functional activity score
Ying Ge Tong, Dr Alex Konstantatos, Yan Cheng, Lin Chai