Published: 01-11-2016


Knowledge, attitudes and practices relating to fertility among nurses working in primary health care
Karin Hammarbert, Lisa Collison, Louise Johnson, Hau Nguyen, Jane Fisher

A mental health nursing transition program for enrolled nurses at a forensic mental health hospital
Chris Quinn, Jo Ryan

Flooded with evidence: using a 'spillway' model to improve research implementation in nursing practice
Clint Moloney, Melissa Taylor, Nicholas Ralph


Stoma and shame: engaging affect in the adaptation to a medical device
Lionel Diebold

Access to healthcare services for people living with HIV experiencing homelessness - a literature review
Elizabeth Crock

Nurse empathy and the care of people with dementia
Robin Digby, Allison Williams, Susan Lee

Doctoral education for nurses today: the PhD or professional doctorate?
Kim Walker, Steven Campbell, Jed Duff, Elizabeth Cummings

Research Papers

Knowledge, attitudes and practices relating to fertility among nurses working in primary health care

Karin Hammarberg RN, BSc, PhD, Lisa Collison RN, Grad Dip Nurs Sci GP , Hau Nguyen B Econ , Jane Fisher BSc (Hons), PhD, MAPS
Abstract 62 | View PDF Downloads 40

A mental health nursing transition program for enrolled nurses at a forensic mental health hospital

Chris Quinn RN, DAS (Nurs), Cert PN, Grad Dip (MHN), PhD , Jo Ryan RN Bed
Abstract 77 | View PDF Downloads 37

Flooded with evidence: using a 'spillway' model to improve research implementation in nursing practice

Associate Professor Clint Moloney PhD, MHealth, BNur , Melissa Taylor PhD Candidate, MHealth (Sci), BNur , Dr Nicholas Ralph PhD, MClinPrac (with Distinction), BN, RN
Abstract 70 | View PDF Downloads 19

Scholarly Papers

Stoma and shame: engaging affect in the adaptation to a medical device

Lionel Diebold MCP, PhD
Abstract 54 | View PDF Downloads 249

Access to healthcare services for people living with HIV experiencing homelessness – a literature review

Elizabeth Crock PhD, MPH, RN, BSc, Grad Dip Ed, ACRN, Certificate in Infectious Disease Nursing
Abstract 78 | View PDF Downloads 42

Nurse empathy and the care of people with dementia

Robin Digby RN, MN, PhD candidate , Associate Professor Allison Williams RN PhD M Nurs BAppSci (AdvNurs) GradDipAdvNurs (ClinNursEd) FACN , Dr Susan Lee PhD, MBioeth, BAppSci (Nsg Ed), DipAppSc (Nsg),RN
Abstract 134 | View PDF Downloads 253

Doctoral education for nurses today: the PhD or professional doctorate?

Kim Walker RN, PhD, Steven Campbell RN, PhD, Jed Duff RN, PhD, Elizabeth Cummings RN, PhD
Abstract 68 | View PDF Downloads 24