Published: 01-11-2015


Specialist nurses experiences of using a consolidated patient information system portal: a pre-post implementation survey
Jane Mills, Cindy Woods, Marnie Hitchins, Glynda Summers

Exploring values in nursing: generating new perspectives on clinical practice
Nicola Drayton, Dr Kathryn Weston

The clinical environment - do student nurses belong? A review of Australian literature
Julia Gilbert, Lynne Brown

Prevention of postnatal mental health problems: a survey of Victorian Maternal and Child Health Nurses
Karen Wynter, Heather Rowe, Joanna Burns, Jane Fisher


Literature review: "Are you ok there?" The socialisation of student and graduate nurses: do we have it right?
Pete Goodare

Delirium in the intensive care unit and long-term cognitive and psychosocial functioning: literature review
Daniella Bulic, A/Professor Mike Bennett, A/Professor Yahya Shehabi

The role of specialist nurses in cardiac genetics - the Victorian experience: supporting partnerships in care
Tina Thompson, Natalie Morgan, Vanessa Connell, Dr Dominica Zentner, A/Professor Andrew Davis, Dr Andreas Pflaumer, Professor Noel Woodford, Professor Ingrid Winship

Research Papers

Specialist nurses’ experiences of using ‘The Viewer’, a consolidated electronic medical records system: a pre-post implementation survey

Jane Mills RN, PhD, MN, MEd, PGCertEd, FACN , Cindy Woods BEd, PhD , Marnie Hitchins BA, GradDipEd , Glynda Summers RN, RM MHA, MPub Pol, BA, Dip Admin (Nsg)
Abstract 55 | View PDF Downloads 25

Exploring values in nursing: generating new perspectives on clinical practice

Nicola Drayton Masters Nursing, Dip App Sc , Dr Kathryn M. Weston BSc (Hons), PhD,
Abstract 75 | View PDF Downloads 128

The clinical environment – do student nurses belong? A review of Australian literature

Julia Gilbert RN, RM, BHsc, Grad Dip Bus Man, Bach Laws, Grad Dip Legal Prac. , Lynne Brown RN, BHSc, MN (Hons.)
Abstract 63 | View PDF Downloads 25

Prevention of postnatal mental health problems: a survey of Victorian Maternal and Child Health Nurses

Karen Wynter BSc (Hons), MPhil, PhD , Heather Rowe BSc (Hons), PhD , Joanna Burns BA, Grad Dip Psych Studies, BSocSci (Psych) (Hons) , Jane Fisher BSc (Hons), PhD, MAPS
Abstract 62 | View PDF Downloads 39

Scholarly Papers

Literature review: “Are you ok there?” The socialisation of student and graduate nurses: do we have it right?

Pete Goodare RN, CNS, BN, Grad Cert Clinical Teach/Learning (nursing), Grad Dip Acute Care (nursing), MCN (acute care nursing)
Abstract 69 | View PDF Downloads 28

Delirium in the intensive care unit and long–term cognitive and psychosocial functioning: literature review

Daniella Bulic Ba(Sc) Economics (Honours), NAATI 3, BSW, AMHSW, BBH CertEdu, PostGrad Supervision, Master Community Health and Development (MCHD),, A/Professor Mike Bennett MBBS, DA, FFARCSI, FANZCA, MM(Clin Epi), FUHMS, DipDHM, ANZCA, CertDHM, , A/Professor Yahya Shehabi MBBS, FANZCA, FCICM, EMBA,
Abstract 53 | View PDF Downloads 44

The role of specialist nurses in cardiac genetics - the Victorian experience: supporting partnerships in care

Tina Thompson B.Nurs. , Natalie Morgan RN, Crit Care Cert, Grad Dip Genetic Counselling. , Vanessa Connell Dip App Sci (Nursing), Grad Dip Adv Clinical Nursing (Paediatric Intensive Care). , Dr Dominica Zentner MBBS(Hons), FRACP, PhD., Associate Professor Andrew Davis MBBS, MD, FRACP, FCSANZ, FHRS. , Dr Andreas Pflaumer MD, FRACP, FCSANZ, CEPS. , Professor Noel W F Woodford MBBS LLM DMJ(Path) FRCPath FRCPA. , Professor Ingrid Winship MBChB, MD, FRACP, FACD.
Abstract 56 | View PDF Downloads 31