Published: 01-05-2016


Moral distress on oncology nurses and morally distressing situations in oncology units
Malihe Ameri, Zahra Safavibayatneed, Amir Kavousi

A prospective comparison of the AUSDRISK and HbA1c for persons with spinal cord injury
Wendy Jannings, Margaret Fry, Robyn Gallagher

Why such success? Nursing students show consistently high satisfaction with bioscience courses at a regional university
Delma Clifton, Stephen McKillup

Y doesn't Gen Y like 2 w8? 
Karen Jackson, Kerry Drew, Jacqueline Shaw


A nurses guide to the hierarchy of research designs and evidence 
Rebecca Ingham-Broomfield

Research Papers

Moral distress of oncology nurses and morally distressing situations in oncology units

Malihe Ameri, MSc Nursing, Zahra Safavibayatneed, MSc Nursing, Amir Kavousi, PhD in Statistics
Abstract 61 | View PDF Downloads 28

A prospective comparison of the AUSDRISK and HbA1c for persons with spinal cord injury

Wendy Jannings RN, SCM, Cert Spinal injuries, Cert Adult Ed, Margaret Fry, PhD MED BSc NP , Robyn Gallagher, PhD, MN, BN, RN
Abstract 54 | View PDF Downloads 25

Why such success? Nursing students show consistently high satisfaction with bioscience courses at a regional university

I. Delma Clifton B App Sci, Grad Dip Teach, PhD , Stephen C. McKillup BSc Hons, PhD
Abstract 64 | View PDF Downloads 35

Y doesn't Gen Y like 2 w8?

Karen Jackson NP RN, BSc(Hons)Ng, PGCrt:CritCare(ED), PGCrtOrtho, PGDipNP, PGDipCNS ICU, MSc(NP), MACNP MCENA , Kerry Drew NP RN, BSc (Nursing), MN(NP). MACNP MCENA , Jacqueline Shaw NP RN BN, PGDip ED. MN(NP), MACNP
Abstract 57 | View PDF Downloads 28

Scholarly Papers

A nurses’ guide to the hierarchy of research designs and evidence

Rebecca (Becky) Ingham-Broomfield JP RN
Abstract 449 | View PDF Downloads 126