Published: 01-08-2015


Doctoral theses in nursing and midwifery: challenging their contribution to nursing scholarship and the profession
Lesley Wilkes, Joanne Cummings, Mayryl Ratanapongleka, Bernie Carter

Registered nurses improving screening rates for non AIDS-related comorbidities in people living with HIV
Karen Biggs, Melissa Power

Enhancing the online learning experience using virtual interactive classrooms
Lesley Andrew, Beverley Ewens, Sian Maslin-Prothero

A nurse communication manager reduces non relevant contacts 
Nana Wright, Nina Nielsen, Jannie Lauersen, Jacob Rosenberg, Anne Danielsen


Advanced skills for enrolled nurses: a developing classification 
Lynette Cusack, Morgan Smith,

Research Papers

Doctoral theses in nursing and midwifery: challenging their contribution to nursing scholarship and the profession

Professor Lesley Wilkes RN, MHPEd, PhD , Dr Joanne Cummings PhD, Social Science (Hons), , Mrs Mayryl Ratanapongleka MSc, BMedSc, , Professor Bernie Carter PhD, BSc, RSCN,
Abstract 70 | View PDF Downloads 67

Enhancing the online learning experience using virtual interactive classrooms

Lesley Andrew MSc, BSc (Hons), PhD candidate, RN, RHV , Beverley Ewens BSc (Hons), PG Dip (Critical Care), PGCE, PhD Candidate, RN , Sian Maslin-Prothero PhD, MSc, CertEd, DipN, RN
Abstract 65 | View PDF Downloads 62

A Nurse Communication Manager reduces the number of non-relevant contacts

Nana Keir Wright Clinical Nursing Specialist, RN, Dipl. of Health, Stud. Ma(CIN) , Nina Seested Nielsen , Jannie Lauersen , Jacob Rosenberg Professor, MD, DSc , Anne Kjærgaard Danielsen Research Nurse, Ph.d., Ma(ed), Ma(ClN)
Abstract 56 | View PDF Downloads 23

Scholarly Papers

Advanced skills for enrolled nurses: a developing classification

Dr Lynette Cusack RN PhD MHA BN DipAppSc(Nurs) MidCert , Morgan Smith RN MEd BN DipAppSc(Community Nurs) , Bernadette Cummins RN RM Dip HEN Dip HEM , Louise Kennewell RN BN , Lydia Dennett RN, ICU Cert, MBM., Debra Pratt RN
Abstract 65 | View PDF Downloads 27