Published: 01-05-2015


Public health nurses experiences of their role as part of a primary care team
Martina Giltenane, Marcella Kelly, Maura Dowling

Patient satisfaction with their pain management and comfort level after open heart surgery
Yesim Yaman Aktas, Neziha Karabulut, Dilek Gürçayir, Dürdane Yilmlaz, Volkan Gökmen

Radiation awareness among nurses in nuclear medicine departments
Muhammad Alotaibi, Amal Al-Abdulsalam, Yusif Bakir, Ahmed M. Mohammed


A nurses guide to Qualitative research 
Rebecca (Becky) Ingham-Broomfield

Development of a nurse practitioner led carpal tunnel syndrome clinic
Andrew Scanlon, Chandrashan Perera, Gus Gonzalvo, Gavin Fabinyi

Research Papers

Public health nurses’ (PHNs) experiences of their role as part of a primary care team (PCT) in Ireland

Martina Giltenane MHSc, PGD (Public Health Nursing), BSc (General nursing), , Marcella Kelly MSc (Education), BSc (Community Health), RNT, PHN, RM, RGN. , Dr Maura Dowling PhD, MSc, RNT, BNS, RGN.
Abstract 59 | View PDF Downloads 32

Patient satisfaction with their pain management and comfort level after open heart surgery

Neziha Karabulut PhD, RN , Yeşim Yaman Aktaş PhD, RN , Dilek Gürçayır MSc, RN , Dürdane Yılmaz MSc, RN , Volkan Gökmen RN
Abstract 83 | View PDF Downloads 29

Radiation awareness among nurses in nuclear medicine departments

Dr. Muhammad Alotaibi BSN, MScN, PhD, Dr. Amal Al-Abdulsalam B.Sc, M.Sc., PhD , Dr. Yousif Y. Bakir B.Sc, M.Sc., PhD, Senior Lecturer , Ahmed M. Mohammed BSc, MSc, AmNMTCB, MHPE
Abstract 80 | View PDF Downloads 30

Scholarly Papers

A nurses’ guide to Qualitative Research

Rebecca (Becky) Ingham-Broomfield RN (NSW), CertEd, DipNurs (London), BSc (Hons), MSc (Health Psychology)
Abstract 118 | View PDF Downloads 67

Development of a Nurse Practitioner led Carpal Tunnel Syndrome clinic

Dr Andrew Scanlon DNP, MNS, NP (Australia), ANP (USA), FACN, FACNP , Dr Chandrashan Perera BMedSci, MBBS , Mr Gus Gonzalvo Director Neurosurgery, MBBS, FRACS , Professor Gavin Fabinyi Neurosurgeon, MBBS (Melb) FRACS
Abstract 68 | View PDF Downloads 24