Published: 01-05-2014
The predictors and outcome of psychiatric disorders among survivors post-earthquake: survey from Sichuan, China
Dongling Liu, Xiaolian Jiang, Samantha Pang, Sijian Li
Association between CD4+ T-cell count, atypical squamous cells and Schiller's test in women with HIV/AIDS
Daniele Mary Silva de Brito, Gilmara Holanda da Cunha, Elucir Gir, Julyana Gomes Freitas, Marli Teresinha Gimeniz Glavão
The effects of mindfulness training program on reducing stress and promoting well being among nurses in critical care units
Hee Kim Lan, Pathmawathi Subramanian, Norsiah Rahmat, Phang Cheng Kar
Overseas qualified nurses in Australia: reflecting on the issue
Grazyna Stankiewicz, Margaret O'Connor
Health literacy, does it make a difference
Anne Johnson