Published: 01-02-2013


Documentation in a PICU setting: Is a checklist tool effective?
Kylie Boucher, Eliza Griffiths, Danielle Sargent, Nicole Mabotha, Pauline George, Dianne McKinley, Siriol Marks

Research and evidence based practice in a rural Victorian cohort 
Alison Koschel, Maddalena Cross, Helen Haines, Kaye Ervin, Debbie Skinner-Louis, Daniel Carbone

How competency standards became the preferred national technology for classifying nursing performance in Australia
Laurie Grealish

Incidence of phlebitis in patients with peripheral intravenous catheters: The influence of some risk factors
Anabela Salgueiro-Oliveira, Pedro Veiga

Recognition of prior learning: Credit transfer for enrolled nurses studying science in the Bachelor of Nursing program
Christine Pryor


Human factors in nursing: The time is now 
Lynette Fryer

Discovering Constructivist Grounded Theory's fit and relevance to research contemporary mental health nursing practice
Andrew Gardner, Professor Helen McCutcheon, Maria Fedoruk

Research Papers

Documentation in a PICU setting: Is a checklist tool effective?

Kylie Boucher RPN, MNSc, BEd RPN , Eliza Griffiths RN, MNSc, BBiomedSc , Danielle Sargent RN, MNSc, BSc , Nicole Mabotha BSc , Pauline George RN, MNSc, MSc BEd , Dianne McKinley RN, RM, MNurs, BAppSc , Siriol Marks MNSc, LMusA, BMus, DipEd
Abstract 31 | View PDF Downloads 25

Research and evidence based practice in a rural Victorian cohort

Alison Koschel Dip App Sci. (Nursing), Grad Dip HP , Maddalena Cross PhD , Helen Haines BN, MPH, RN , Kaye Ervin BN, BEd, M Ed, Grad Dip Bus, RN, Debbie Skinner‑Louis BN, MRCNA, RN , Daniel Carbone PhD
Abstract 36 | View PDF Downloads 15

Incidence of phlebitis in patients with peripheral intravenous catheters: The influence of some risk factors

Anabela Salgueiro‑Oliveira Msc, RN, Pedro Parreira RN, PhD, Pedro Veiga BSc in Probabilities and Statistics
Abstract 79 | View PDF Downloads 184

Recognition of prior learning: Credit transfer for enrolled nurses studying science in the Bachelor of Nursing program

Christine S Pryor RN, GDNgSc(Orthopaedics), CivWA&T(TAE), MNg, GCert Ed(University), GCert Hlth(Clinical Forensic Nursing) MRCNA
Abstract 39 | View PDF Downloads 16

Scholarly Papers

Human factors in nursing: The time is now

Lynette A. Fryer RN, RPN, Ma Clinical Leadership
Abstract 47 | View PDF Downloads 15

Discovering Constructivist Grounded Theory’s fit and relevance to researching contemporary mental health nursing practice

Andrew Gardner BN, MMHN, MBus, Dip Medical Hypnosis. , Professor Helen McCutcheon , Maria Fedoruk
Abstract 75 | View PDF Downloads 23