Published: 01-05-2013
The development and evaluation of a preceptorship program using a practice development approach
Karen Ford, Helen Courtney-Pratt, Mary Fitzgerald
The influence of personal characteristics on perioperative nurses' perceived competence: implications for workforce planning
Brigid Gillespie, Denise Polit, Lois Hamlin, Wendy Chaboyer
The challenges for families managing an adolescent with an intellectual disability and type 1 diabetes
Sharon Hillage, Jennifer Evans, Susan Gallagher
To investigate the concerns and benefits of job sharing a community based clinical nurse consultant role
Gay Woodhouse, Tracey Finn, Karen Johnson-De Wit
Practice-based simulation model: a curriculum innovation to enhance the critical thinking skills of nursing students
Mee Young Park, Margaret McMillan, Jane Conway, Sonja Cleary, Leonie Murphy, Sharee Griffiths