Published: 01-11-2011
The long haul: caring for bone marrow transplant patients in regional Australia
Louisa Bray, Christopher Jordens, Philip Rowlings, Ken Bradstock, Ian Kerridge
The role of low intensity laser therapy in community nursing
Tina Henrietta Czech, Leila Karimi
Foot care within the Jordanian healthcare system: a qualitative inquiry of patient's perspectives
Ma'en Zaid Abu‑Qamar, Anne Wilson
The benefits of debriefing as formative feedback in nurse education
Robyn Cant, Simon Cooper
Implementation of the nurse practitioner role within a Victorian healthcare network: an organisational perspective
Marie Wintle, Penny Newsome, Patricia Livingston
Flexible delivery: on‑line versus bottom‑line
Philip Warelow, Pauletta Irwin, Samantha Wells
A culture change in aged care: The Eden AlternativeTM
Sonya Brownie