Published: 01-11-2010
Reasons for entering and leaving nursing: an Australian regional study
Robert Eley, Diann Eley, Cath Rogers‑Clark
An analysis of nurses’ views of harm reduction measures and other treatments for the problems associated with illicit drug use
Dr Rosemary Ford
Models of health service delivery in remote or isolated areas of Queensland: a multiple case study
Dr Melanie Birks, Dr Jane Mills, Professor Karen Francis, Dr Meaghan Coyle, Jenny Davis, Jan Jones
Registered nurses’ opinions about patient focused care
Amelie Kjörnsberg, Louise Karlsson, Annika Babra, Barbro Wadensten
Casualisation in the nursing workforce – the need to make it work
Susanne Becker, Professor Helen McCutcheon, Professor Desley Hegney
Nursing double degrees: a higher education initiative in times of nursing shortages
Noelene Hickey, Jennifer Sumsion, Linda Harrison
Nursing education: reducing reality shock for graduate Indigenous nurses – it’s all about time
Allison Hinton, Dr Sharon Chirgwin
Nurse practitioners are well placed to lead in the effective management of delirium
Deanne Burge, Wendy Kent, Jacqui Verdon, Stephen Voogt, Helen Haines
Scope of emergency nurse practitioner practice: where to beyond clinical practice guidelines
Grainne Lowe
Challenges for midwives: pregnant women and illicit drug use
Maureen Miles, Professor Karen Francis, Associate Professor Ysanne Chapman