Published: 01-08-2010


Development and validation of a novel approach to work sampling: a study of nurse practitioner work patterns
Glenn Gardner, Anne Gardner, Sandy Middleton, Michelle Gibb, Phillip Della, Christine Duffield

Nursing resource implications of the unoccupied bed
Bronwyn Collins, Lesley Fleming, Bette-Anne Hine, Johanna Stephenson, Kate Veach, Sue Anderson, Tim Mawson, Joan Webster

Trends in workplace violence in the remote area nursing workforce
Tessa Opie, Sue Lenthall, Maureen Dollard, John Wakerman, Martha MacLeod, Sabina Knight, Sandra Dunn, Greg Rickard

Views and attitudes of nursing students towards ageing and older patients
Sevilay Senol Celik, Sevgisun Kapucu, Zahide Tuna, Yeliz Akkus

Attendance at outpatient cardiac rehabilitation: is it enhanced by specialist nurse referral?
Natalie Johnson, Kerry Inder, Amanda Nagle, John Wiggers

A university clinic: an innovative model for improving clinical practice
Paul Warner, Herbert Jelinek, Patricia Davidson

Advanced nursing practice: a futures model derived from narrative analysis of nurses’ stories
Karen Kucera, Isabel Higgins, Margaret McMillan


Historical imagination and issues in rural and remote area nursing 
Pamela Wood

Building research capacity in the nursing workforce: the design and evaluation of the nurse researcher role
Raymond Chan, Glenn Gardner, Joan Webster, Alanna Geary

Research Papers

Development and validation of a novel approach to work sampling: a study of nurse practitioner work patterns

Glenn Gardner RN PhD , Anne Gardner RN BA MPH PhD , Professor Sandy Middleton RN BAppSc (Nursing) MN PhD , Michelle Gibb RN NP MWound Care MNrsgSc(NP) , Professor Phillip Della RN RM BAppSc MBus PhD, Professor Christine Duffield RN PhD MHP BScN DNE DipCompDirector
Abstract 44 | view PDF Downloads 14

Nursing resource implications of the unoccupied bed

Bronwyn Collins, Lesley Fleming, Bette-Anne Hine, Johanna Stephenson, Kate Veach, Sue Anderson, Tim Mawson, Joan Webster
Abstract 46 | view PDF Downloads 16

Trends in workplace violence in the remote area nursing workforce

Tessa Opie B. Psych (Hons.) PhD Candidate , Sue Lenthall RN, B. Ad Teach, MPH&TM , Professor Maureen Dollard PhD, Professor John Wakerman MBBS, MTH, FAFPHM, SACRRM , Professor Martha MacLeod RN, BA, MA, PhD , Associate Professor Sabina Knight RN, MTH, Professor Sandra Dunn RN, ADN, BN, MScN, PhD, FRCNA, Greg Rickard RN, PhD
Abstract 67 | view PDF Downloads 65

Views and attitudes of nursing students towards ageing and older patients

Sevilay Senol Celik PhD, RN , Sevgisun Kapucu PhD, RN , Zahide Tuna MSN, RN , Yeliz Akkus PhD, RN
Abstract 47 | view PDF Downloads 18

Attendance at outpatient cardiac rehabilitation: is it enhanced by specialist nurse referral?

Natalie A. Johnson BEd, GradDipHlthSocSci, PhD, Kerry J. Inder BN, GradDipClinEpi, PhD , Amanda L. Nagle BSc(Hons), PhD , John H. Wiggers BA(Hons), PhD
Abstract 42 | view PDF Downloads 21

A university clinic: an innovative model for improving clinical practice

Paul Warner RN; BAEd; MEd; PhD Candidate, Dr. Herbert Jelinek PhD , Professor Patricia M Davidson, RN, PhD
Abstract 45 | view PDF Downloads 30

Advanced nursing practice: a futures model derived from narrative analysis of nurses’ stories

Karen Kucera RN, BSc, MNurs , Isabel Higgins PhD RN FRCNA FCN , Margaret McMillan PhD RN FRCNA FCN OAM
Abstract 49 | view PDF Downloads 16

Scholarly Papers

Historical imagination and issues in rural and remote area nursing

Pamela J. Wood RN, PhD
Abstract 37 | view PDF Downloads 45

Building research capacity in the nursing workforce: the design and evaluation of the nurse researcher role

Raymond Chan RN, BN, MAppSc (Research) , Glenn Gardner RN PhD , Joan Webster BA, RN , Alanna Geary RN, BN, MHlthSc
Abstract 50 | view PDF Downloads 16