Published: 01-11-2009
Reflections on nursing
Lee Thomas
Australian practice nurse immunisation scholarships: an evaluation study
Colleen Smith, Marie Heartfield
Cardiac arrest resuscitation policy and practice: a survey of Western Australian hospitals
Sonya Rogal, Judith Finn, Ian Jacobs
Effectiveness of an advanced practice emergency nurse role in a minor injuries unit
Marianne Wallis, Jeffrey Hooper, David Kerrm James Lind, Nerolie Bost
Developing the Nurse Practitioners role in a rural Australian hospital ‑ a Delphi study of practice opportunities, barriers and enablers
Helen Haines, Jennifer Critchley
The breast or bottle? Women's infant feedings choices in a subsequent birth after a previous Caesarean Section
Pam McGrath, Emma Phillips
Farewell to the handmaiden? Profile of nurses in Australian general practice in 2007
Catherine Joyce, Leon Piterman
Surveying general practice nurses' communication preferences in Tasmania
Lin Bowers‑Ingram, Mark Nelson
Barriers to the reporting of medication administration errors among nursing students
Hamid Reza Koohestani, Nayereh Baghcheghi
Pursuing the golden mean ‑ moral decision-making for precarious newborns
Tamara Zutlevics
The psychosocial needs of families during critical illness: comparison of nurses' and family members' perspectives
Trish Kinrade, Alun Jackson, Jane Tomnay
Supporting the evolution of a research culture among nurses in Malaysia
Melanie Birks, Karen Francis, Ysanne Chapman, Jane Mills, Jo Porter
Fear of falling
Stephen Harding, Andrew Gardner