Published: 01-11-2008


AJAN Online: 
Jill Iliffe

Guest Editorial

Reflections on nursing
Rosemary Bryant


How general practice nurses view their expanding role 
Elizabeth Senior

The changing role of practice nurses in Australia: an action research study
Jane Mills, Mary Fitzgerald

Nurses' description of changes in cognitive function in the acute care setting
Malcolm Hare, Sunita McGowan, Dianne Wynaden, Gaye Speed, Ian Landsborough

Nurses' views and practices regarding use of validated nutrition screening tools
Rubina Raja, Simone Gibson, Alana Turner, Jacinta Winderlich, Judi Porter, Robyn Cant, Rosalie Aroni

Exploring women’s reactions to a diagnosis of endometrial carcinoma: a pilot study of Australian women
Wendy Linford, Della Forster

Nurses' knowledge and practice involving patients' resuming sexual activity following myocardial infraction: implications for training
Leyla Özdemir, Nuran Akdemir

Critical care nurses' knowledge about the care of deceased adult patients in an intensive care unit
Sevim Çelik, Gülay Altun Uĝraş, Sabahat Durdu, Meryem Kubaş, Güler Aksoy

The impact of therapeutic relationship on preoperative and postoperative patient anxiety
Behice Erci, Serap Sezgin, Zennure Kaçmaz


Assessing leadership in nurse practitioner candidates 
Cathy Watson

Legality, morality and reality ‑ the role of the nurse in maintaining standards of care
Mary Chiarella, Elizabeth McInnes

Sampling methods: methodological issues involved in the recruitment of older people into a study of sexuality
Susan Geldhill, Jennifer Abbey, Robert Schweitzer

Where have all the nurses gone? 
Linda Shields, Roger Watson


A nurses' guide to the critical reading of research 
Rebecca (Becky) Ingham-Broomfield


AJAN online:

Jill Iliffe
Abstract 40 | view PDF Downloads 8

Reflections on nursing

Rosemary Bryant
Abstract 38 | view PDF Downloads 12

Research Papers

How general practice nurses view their expanding role

Elizabeth Senior, DipAppSc., B.SW, GradDipHealthEdandProm, MPH
Abstract 41 | view PDF Downloads 53

The changing role of practice nurses in Australia: an action research study

Jane Mills PhD, RN , Mary Fitzgerald, PhD, RN
Abstract 45 | view PDF Downloads 17

Nurses’ descriptions of changes in cognitive function in the acute care setting

Malcolm Hare, RN, BSc (Nursing) (Honours), Sunita McGowan, RN, M.Sc (Nursing),, Dianne Wynaden, RN, RMHN, PhD, Gaye Speed, RN, B.AppSc (Nursing), PGradDip HAdmin, Ian Landsborough RN, RMHN, M.Ed,
Abstract 60 | view PDF Downloads 27

Nurses’ views and practices regarding use of validated nutrition screening tools

Rubina Rajam, MSc, Simone Gibson BSc; GradDipDiet , Alana Turner BNutrDiet, Judi Porter PhD, Robyn Cant MHSc, Rosalie Aroni PhD
Abstract 46 | view PDF Downloads 25

Exploring women’s reactions to a diagnosis of endometrial carcinoma: a pilot study of Australian women

Wendy Linford BN, RM , Della Forster RN, RM, DipAppSci, BHealthSci, Mmid, PhD
Abstract 45 | view PDF Downloads 12

Critical care nurses' knowledge about the care of deceased adult patients in an intensive care unit

Sevim Çelik PhD, RN , Gülay Altun Uğraş, MSc, RN, Sabahat Durdu RN , Meryem Kubaş, MSc, RN, Güler Aksoy, PhD, RN
Abstract 38 | view PDF Downloads 13

The impact of therapeutic relationship on preoperative and postoperative patient anxiety

Behice Erci PhD, RN , Serap Sezgin PhD , Zennure Kaçmaz MsC
Abstract 71 | view PDF Downloads 123

Scholarly Papers

Assessing leadership in nurse practitioner candidates

Cathy Watson RN, RM, MCHN, NP, BA, Grad Dip in Advanced Nursing (Women’s Health), MNSc (Nurse Practitioner), Certificate of Tropical Community Medicine and Health
Abstract 66 | view PDF Downloads 17

Legality, morality and reality ‑ the role of the nurse in maintaining standards of care

Mary Chiarella RN , CM, Dip N.Ed. LLB (Hons) (CNAA), PhD, FRCNA , Elizabeth McInnes BA(Hons); Grad Dip App Sci (Nursing); MPH
Abstract 51 | view PDF Downloads 139

Sampling methods: methodological issues involved in the recruitment of older people into a study of sexuality

Susan Gledhill RN, RM, BHA, MHA, , Jennifer Abbey PhD, BEd(Nursing), Dip Teach(Nursing), RN, FRCNA , Robert Schweitzer BSocSci(Hons), MA(ClinPsy), PhD
Abstract 56 | view PDF Downloads 12

Where have all the nurses gone?

Linda Shields PhD, FRCNA, Roger Watson RN, PhD, FBiol, FRSA
Abstract 36 | view PDF Downloads 14

Discussion Paper

A nurses’ guide to the critical reading of research

Rebecca (Becky) Ingham-Broomfield RN (NSW); CertEd; DipNurs (London); BSc (Hons); MSc (Health Psychology)
Abstract 75 | view PDF Downloads 21