Published: 01-08-2008

Editorial ‑ AJAN Online: 
Jill Iliffe

Guest Editorial ‑ Reflections on nursing 
Karen Francis


After the graduate year: a phenomenological exploration of how new nurses develop their knowledge and skill over the first 18 months following graduation
Lisa McKenna, Jennifer M. Newton

The strengths and weaknesses of transitional support programs for newly registered nurses
Jennifer Evans, Elaine Boxer, Dr Shukri Sanber

Three versus seven day circuit changes of humidified oxygen circuitry: a feasibility study
Joan Webster, Laurie Hall, Di Goodwin, Susan Bligh, Fiona Coyer

Constructing a research based pre-care model to improve mental health interventions for young people
Sue Webster, Lindsay Harrison

Faking it: social desirability response bias in self-report research 
Thea F van de Mortel

Nurses' and carers' spiritual wellbeing in the workplace 
John Fisher, David Brumley

How do nurses describe health care procedures? Analysing nurse-patient interaction in a hospital ward
George Major, Janet Holmes

The effect of providing information to patients on their perception of the intensive care unit
Nadiye Özer, Rahşan Akyil

A mixed methods study on the needs of Korean families in the intensive care unit
Sungeun Yang

Comparison of psychosocial adjustment in people with diabetes with and without diabetic foot ulceration
Asli Talaz Akca, Sezgi Cinar

Turkish nurses' concerns about home health care in Turkey
Sezer Kisa


Innovative practice in the management of chronic Hepatitis C: introducing the nurse practitioner model
Saroj Nazareth, Carol Piercey, Patricia Tibbet, Wendy Cheng

Young people and alcohol misuse: how can nurses use the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion
Bernadette Ward, Glenda Verrinder


AJAN online:

Jill Iliffe
Abstract 29 | view PDF Downloads 6

Reflections on nursing

Karen Francis, RN, PhD, M.Hlth. Sc (PHC), M.Ed, GradCert(Teach/ Learn), B.HlthSc(Nsg), DipHlthSc(Nsg)
Abstract 28 | view PDF Downloads 6

Research Papers

The strengths and weaknesses of transitional support programs for newly registered nurses

Jennifer Evans RN, Ed.D , Elaine Boxer RN, MN , Dr Shukri Sanber PhD
Abstract 47 | view PDF Downloads 221

Three versus seven day circuit changes of humidified oxygen circuitry: a feasibility study

Joan Webster RN, RM, BA , Laurie Hall RN, BNSc (Hons) , Di Goodwin BAppSci (Nursing), Susan Bligh BN , Fiona Coyer RM, PhD
Abstract 12 | view PDF Downloads 5

Constructing a research based pre-care model to improve mental health interventions for young people

Sue Webster MPHAA, RN, CMH, RM, CPH, Dip HSc, MComH, PhD , Lindsey Harrison MPHAA, BA (Hons), MA, MSc, PhD
Abstract 16 | view PDF Downloads 6

Faking it: social desirability response bias in self-report research

Thea F van de Mortel RN, M.HlthSc., FRCNA, FCN (NSW)
Abstract 36 | view PDF Downloads 26

Nurses’ and carers’ spiritual wellbeing in the workplace

John Fisher MSc, MEd, PhD, David Brumley MBBS, FRACGP, FAChPM, MSc
Abstract 19 | view PDF Downloads 8

How do nurses describe health care procedures? Analysing nurse-patient interaction in a hospital ward

George Major, BA, Janet Holmes BA Hons (1st class), MPhil, FRSNZ
Abstract 20 | view PDF Downloads 5

The effect of providing information to patients on their perception of the intensive care unit

Nadiye Özer PhD , Rahşan Akyil Msc
Abstract 16 | view PDF Downloads 4

Comparison of psychosocial adjustment in people with diabetes with and without diabetic foot ulceration

Asli Talaz Akca Msc, RN, Sezgi Cinar PhD, RN
Abstract 14 | view PDF Downloads 7

Turkish nurses’ concerns about home health care in Turkey

Sezer Kisa MSc. PhD
Abstract 36 | view PDF Downloads 7

Discussion Paper

Innovative practice in the management of chronic Hepatitis C: introducing the nurse practitioner model

Saroj Nazareth RN, BHlth Sc, MSc, MN , Carol Piercey RN, PhD, Patricia Tibbet RN, BApp.Sc.Nursing, MRCNA , Wendy Cheng MD, FRACP
Abstract 29 | view PDF Downloads 7

Young people and alcohol misuse: how can nurses use the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion?

Bernadette Ward RN, Midwife, Grad Cert Ed, MPHandTM, MHlth Sci , Glenda Verrinder RN, Midwife, Grad Cert Higher Ed, Grad Dip Pub and Com Health, MHlth Sci
Abstract 17 | view PDF Downloads 209