Published: 19-09-2024

“Cultivating understanding”: Navigating the complexities associated with medicinal cannabis and implications for nursing practice.
Sinclair J, Parker M, Armour M. 

Running Nurse-led Clinics: A qualitative descriptive study of advanced practice nurses’ experiences and perceptions.
Pu X, Malik G, Murray C.

Breastfeeding mothers' self-confidence: A mixed-method study. 
Silveira Viera C, Moraes GGW, Torso BRGO, Christoffel MM, Machineski GG, Linares AM. 

Psychological distress in registered nurses and the role of the workplace: A cross-sectional study.
Tabakakis C, McAllister M, Bradshaw J. 

Choosing Wisely: Needle length and gauge considerations for intramuscular and subcutaneous injections.
Lau R.  

An environmental scan of studies reporting current practices for the conduct of environmental scans.
Nguyen T, Esmail A, Di Rezze B, Colquhoun H, Graham I.  


Research Papers

Running Nurse-led Clinics: A qualitative descriptive study of advanced practice nurses’ experiences and perceptions

Xiaomeng Pu, Gulzar Malik, Christine Murray
Abstract 868 | View PDF Downloads 537 Supplementary Material Downloads 24

Breastfeeding mothers' self-confidence: A mixed-method study

Cláudia Silveira Viera, Gécica Gracieli Wust de Moraes, Beatriz Rosana Gonçalves de Oliveira Toso, Marialda Moreira Christoffel , Gicelle Galvan Machineski , Ana Maria Linares
Abstract 598 | View PDF Downloads 293

Psychological distress in registered nurses and the role of the workplace: A cross-sectional study

Costantinos Tabakakis, Margaret McAllister, Julie Bradshaw, Dr Ashlyn Sahay
Abstract 642 | View PDF Downloads 406

Reviews and Discussion Papers

An environmental scan of studies reporting current practices for the conduct of environmental scans

Tram Nguyen, Aliya Esmail, Briano Di Rezze, Heather Colquhoun, Ian Graham
Abstract 483 | View PDF Downloads 305 Supplementary Material Downloads 18